The cats were pretty laid-back. Most of the time they just cat-nap, and are completely disinterested in you, whether you are patting them or not.

They were also pretty friendly to each other, which was a novelty to me. My experience of cats is that they will tolerate each other, at best. But in the cafe they would curl up with each other. Mecha kawaii ~~

There were one or two scraps while we were there, though - all involving this cat (who clearly thinks she's pretty good):

Her name appeared to be Connie. She was the alpha cat of the bunch - the most outgoing and friendly towards humans. Also, weirdly friendly towards the other cats, grooming them and such, until they got the shits with her, and it turned into a fight. I sort of imagine it like this:
Connie: Tut, tut. Look at you. You're so unprofessional. You need to take better care of yourself.
Other cat: Oh, fuck off, Connie. It's just a bloody cafe.
It doesn't sound all that exciting, and I suppose it wasn't really, but it was very relaxing. The atmosphere was very chilled out. And they have air con, so I'll probably go back again.

omg omg omg!!! You shall have to take me there!!!!!
Our cats pretty much just tolerate each other most of the time.
Two days ago though we couldn't find them for ages, eventually found them curled up together in the wardrobe. Assez cute!
Also, is there some kind of cat airlock, or catlock?
Yeah, there's a catlock. The entry is through two doors, with a little room in between where you can leave your shoes, and wash your hands on the way out.
The cats didn't seem to fussed about trying to get out the door though... Well, why would you, eh?
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