There are a lot of sushi places in Melbourne, of course, but Australian sushi in general tends away from uncooked animal - the demands of local tastes, I guess. Since coming to Japan, though, I've had the opportunity to try several things that probably wouldn't sell so well in the QV food hall. For instance, I've had squid and octopus sushi, which are surprisingly un-rubbery. Also, natto sushi, which was not a good move. Clinton nearly threw up on the sushi train!
This past week, though, has topped all of that.
To start with, on Saturday we went for a meal at a crab restaurant. Here is the meal we had:

It included a starter, some boiled crab, crab sashimi, a cup of savoury custard with chestnuts at the bottom, soup, crab au gratin (basically mac cheese with crab), crab tempura, crab sushi and then ice cream (vanilla, not crab) with matcha.
It was mostly pretty tasty, and all very pretty to look at. The crab sashimi was a bit weird, though, and highly inelegant. We had to dig the raw crab flesh out of the leg cases, and it was not going without a fight. To be honest, the effort wasn't all that worth it. It didn't taste of much. It was just a sort of mildly seafood-ish jelly. But, it was an adventure just the same.
Hard to top, you may think, but nay, I say! (lol. "Nay"...) Not in Japan!
On Monday night, we went out to an izakaya with our new Japanese language class/ language exchange group. Oh, so much yummy Japanese bar food. There were many mystery things on sticks. But my eye was drawn to the picture labelled (on the English menu) "Horse Sushi"....
A couple of the Japanese ladies in our group said it was their favourite thing ever, so I said "We must order this so I can try it". And it was thus.
Horse looks and tastes a lot like beef. It is very nice. I wouldn't bother with crab again, but I'd eat more horse sushi or sashimi - "bashimi" in Japanese. (n.b. for the Japanese speakers amongst you: ba being the other reading for the kanji for uma 'horse', geddit.)?
Man, talking about food is making me hungry. I could eat a horse!

(rofl.. "Nay!")
1 comment:
mmmm horse
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